Friday, April 17, 2009

Overdue for an update

So I've been really bad updating this thing, but the past month has basically been sleep, work, eat, rinse, repeat.

I'm in the process of settling into my apartment. Fortunately I've got a pretty cool roommate with a friend in common back in Knoxville who has been in this apartment for a while. Splitting rent and not re-buying all those little things that I didn't have room to bring from Knoxville has been a huge relief.

I think I'm a week away from having my bedroom put together thanks to a recent Ikea order. Once thats done, I'm able to officially unpack my bags and consider myself 100% moved.

Then its time to start exploring my new neighborhood. I'm living on 5th street in Ocean Park (which roughly translates to being 5 blocks from the Ocean). I'm just a few blocks away from Main St in Santa Monica which seems to have a lot of cool bars and places to eat. Definitely looking forward to exploring that a bit more.

Hopefully more to come...

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